3 foot Frame Side Racks


3 foot Frame Side Racks




3 foot Frame Side Racks


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The NRS Side Rail Racks are the perfect answer to extending your raft or cataraft’s cargo carrying space. Strap gear to them, walk on them; they’re super stout.

  • Strap dry bags, ammo cans, tackle boxes, Pelican cases, anything you can think of, to your Side Rail Racks.
  • The racks are made with an 8 inch by 3-, 4- or 6-foot piece of 3/4 inch high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic. The top surface has a ripple-patterned texture.
  • The HDPE is connected to the side rails with two hot-forged aluminum pegs. The pegs are attached with countersunk carriage bolts.
  • The Side Rail Racks do not interfere with Oar Mounts or frame cross members.
  • The Rack will lay on top of cross bars, foot bars and seat bars. When supported by cross members they make great walking surfaces.
  • The HDPE material is super durable in the water environment and requires no ongoing maintenance.


Strap dry bags, ammo cans, tackle boxes, Pelican cases, anything you can think of, to your Side Rail Racks.
These racks are made with 8 inch by 6 or 3 foot piece of 3/4 inch Skidguard marine grade plywood. The surfaces of the plywood are covered with durable plastic laminate. The upper surface has a grippy texture.
The Skidguard is connected to the side rails with two LoPro Fittings. The short stubs of frame pipe affixed to the LoPros are attached to the Skidguard with countersunk carriage bolts.
The Side Rail Racks do not interfere with Oar Mounts or frame cross members.
They can lay on top of crossbars, footbars and seat bars. When supported by cross members they make great walking surfaces.


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